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Nov 23, 2023

Let’s explore the origins of Thanksgiving! Learn how the early settlers' beliefs and their interactions with Native Americans shaped this important American holiday. It's a fascinating mix of history, culture, and tradition.

Podcast Notes:

Here are some books available on Amazon that offer a comprehensive view of the history of Thanksgiving. Each of these books offers a unique perspective on Thanksgiving, from its historical roots to its modern-day observances, making them excellent resources for further reading on the topic.

“Thanksgiving: The Holiday at the Heart of the American Experience” by Melanie Kirkpatrick

This book explores Thanksgiving as a vital part of the American experience, providing insights into the holiday's history and cultural significance. 


“The First Thanksgiving: What the Real Story Tells Us About Loving God and Learning from History” by Robert Tracy McKenzie

This book offers a perspective on the first Thanksgiving, delving into its historical context and exploring its religious and spiritual significance.


“Thanksgiving: The Biography of an American Holiday” by James W. Baker and Peter J. Gomes

This comprehensive work provides an in-depth look at the history of Thanksgiving, tracing its evolution from its origins to its contemporary observance.


“This Land Is Their Land: The Wampanoag Indians, Plymouth Colony, and the Troubled History of Thanksgiving“ by David J. Silverman

This book presents a critical examination of Thanksgiving's history, focusing on the experiences of the Wampanoag Indians and the impact of colonialism, offering a perspective that challenges traditional narratives.