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Feb 28, 2019

You are going to find more records for your own generation, and the two or three just before you, than anything farther back in time. There are a few reasons for this. At first, it will be because certain vital records were not required until the late 19th to early 20th century. As you go even farther back in time...

Feb 26, 2019

Are you a Mayflower descendant, or do you think you may be one? You have to do the research to make sure because a lot of families have a "Mayflower ancestor" myth. Join me today and as I show you how to gather the evidence to make sure you can claim that Mayflower ancestor as your own family.

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Feb 24, 2019

Your family tree has hundreds of lines. As you go back in time beyond three or four centuries, it turns into thousands. This is because the number of your ancestors doubles with each generation going backward. You have four grandparents, eight great-grandparents, 16 great-great-grandparents, 32 great-great-great...

Feb 22, 2019

If you are looking for your ancestors in old newspapers, you might not be getting the most out of every search. You want to make sure you find every mention of your ancestor, so today I’ll give you a couple of tips to help you ensure you do.

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Feb 21, 2019

eBay can be a wonderful resource for genealogical research. Because so few genealogists know about using it to find out about their family, its genealogical potential is underused. This is good news for you because you will have your pick of many interesting things involving your family when they come up on the site....