Apr 26, 2016
When you get your DNA tested for genealogy, you will often see the term "haplogroup" come up. What is a haplogroup and how does it pertain to your family tree? http://www.GenealogyGold.com
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Apr 19, 2016
Have you heard of surname studies? These most basic of genealogical study groups can actually yield a lot of good information, especially in the age of DNA. Join me today on the Ancestral Findings Podcast and I’ll show you where to find them can how to use them. http://www.GenealogyGold.com
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Apr 12, 2016
Identifying your family photographs starts with identifying what type they are. The type of photograph can reveal the era in which it was taken. In this episode of the Ancestral Findings Podcast… I’ll talk about when you know the era… it can be easier to ID the people. http://www.GenealogyGold.com
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Apr 5, 2016
Not many people know that Native Americans participated in the Civil War. They actually fought on both sides. Today on the Ancestral Findings Podcast we'll talk about why they fought and what role they played. http://www.GenealogyGold.com
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